Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Reason For The Season:YOU!

You, and me, are the reason for the season.

Last year, or maybe it has been 2 years, my Pastor, George Thomas, shared with us on the reason for the season. Actually, it's us, we are the reason for the season. Because of our sinfulness, causing a separation from God the Father, He sent His only Son to redeem us from our sins (by His suffering and death on the cross). Once we repent and accept Him (Jesus) as our Lord and Savior, we are redeemed and can come boldly before the throne of mercy and grace and are reunited with the Father. It's as if we have never sinned. We are the reason Jesus came to the reunite us with the Father God.

Can you comprehend such love? Friday I went with my Pastor and his wife, Bishop Freddie and Marygaye Steel, to the minister's Christmas banquet from the Great Lakes area Church of God. The speaker spoke on this enormous love the Father has for us that He sent His only Son to be born a man, to suffer and die for our forgiveness; to reunite us to the Father. The speaker showed us some photos of only sons of the ministers that were present. Could I sacrifice any of my children so that the people I know could ALL spend eternity with God? That kind of love is beyond us. But loved...He gave...His son...for our redemption.

It's a different perspective, amazing, past my understand, such love. So friends, rejoice, "You are the reason for the season."

A Dios Sea La Gloria!! To God be the glory. Bless you, Have a happy Christmas Season.
